Wine Goes MLM!
The wine deal that's shaking up an industry.
The Wine

Are they all my taste? Not necessarily, but that’s the fun of a club – I get to try a lot of wine I wouldn’t have otherwise thought about buying. Even my husband, who really doesn’t like to try anything out of his comfort zone, has found wine he loves that he never would’ve tried otherwise.
Keep in mind that this wine isn’t “two buck chuck” or the cheap wine you’d normally pick up at the corner store. Direct Cellars‘ wine is sourced from boutique, artisan vineyards from around the world. Mostly from small, family-owned wineries.
Every shipment comes with beautiful tasting notes that include detailed information about the wine, pairings, the vineyard, and the winery that makes it.
The Wine Price
At $20-25 per bottle, it’s no more than you would pay for an equivalent bottle of wine at the store. It’s quite extraordinary they’re able to keep the prices low when you look at the average up-charge on most direct sales products. I’ll go into this a bit more later, but you can also get your monthly wine club for free just by referring a few customers (even if they pay less than you per month).
I often bring a bottle of wine to a client or as a party gift, and I’ll stay in the $20-40 price point. So, to have extra bottles around the house for myself AND to give as a gift is perfect.
As of January, 2017 the wine club of the month subscription prices are: $49.95/month for 2 bottles or $79.95/month for 4 bottles, which always includes tax and shipping.
It’s really one of the best wine clubs I’ve seen – regardless of the marketing plan.
Get Your Wine Club Membership for Free

This, by itself, has caused many people to join as customers. People know they naturally refer people to wine anyway; so, why not refer them to the club where they can get their beverage for free?
I should also note, this is about all I knew before joining the business: It was a wine MLM business (genius), I could get my wine free by referring 3 customers, there was a pay plan, the company was stable, the opportunity was brand new, and no one I knew had heard of it yet.
The Business
Although I’ve had plenty of success in direct sales, I’ve seen over 95% of my partners struggle.
I wondered if there would EVER be a product from an MLM company that would inspire confidence to share it.
- A product that wasn’t overpriced.
- A product that wasn’t too hard to explain (which makes most people sound like they’re begging someone to try it).
- A product that people would actually share anyway – even if there was no compensation plan attached to it.
I decided to stop looking and went back to my original career, counseling and mediation.
Then, I saw ‘the wine deal’!
It struck me that not only was this a product that anyone could share… they were already sharing it. Some, every single day or week. It’s a business plan that doesn’t sell retirement or get rich quick, it focused on people who wanted to drink wine for free, so they refer 3 customers to the wine club.
People are already doing this. This is a complete disruption of an industry. Why would I continue to buy wine when I could refer 3 people I know who already drink wine (and many already in wine clubs) to join my wine club and drink for free?
The answer to me, was clear. This was an opportunity for people who didn’t have success in networking, to finally build a business they could love.
The Compensation Plan
Direct Cellars has a dual compensation plan – both a binary AND a uni-level plan. This is unique in that it gives us the ability to quickly earn income from a downline, but adds the stability of a uni-level that pays 9 levels deep.
The Fast Start Bonus
Every time someone joins your wine club as a distributor for either $250 or $500, you get a fast-start bonus of $125 or $250, respectively! It’s a very easy way to start the cash flowing.
Note: The only difference between the 2 distributor options is you get 12 bottles for the higher price point instead of only 4 – highly recommended if you’re going to be sharing the wine!
The Binary Plan

This comes down to proper team and company training on how the binary system works. If it’s trained and supported correctly, it’s a good tool to build early income before your team starts to grow organically to fill out the uni-level plan.
The Uni-level Plan
A uni-level compensation plan is one I’ve always been attracted to. In it’s basic form, your personally sponsored distributors go on your first level, their distributors on your second level, and so on until the bottom levels of the plan are reached.
The uni-level, over time, creates strong and stable growth that is where real residual income can come from.
The Check Match Bonus
As you advance in rank, you can also earn up to a 10% match on your team in the first 4 levels of the uni-level plan.
Whether you get into Direct Cellars early, or you decide to wait and build, if you and your team are building hard, this piece of the compensation plan, alone, could earn you a big income!
The Business Review
- Refer 3 customers and drink for free
- Fast-start bonuses of $125-$250
- Binary compensation on the front-end for faster earnings
- Uni=level compensation on the back-end for long-term residuals
- Check match bonuses up to 10% for helping your team
Learning About Wine
Direct Cellars provides opportunities for business partners and customers to learn from ‘The Wine Whisperer’ with full audio and video series dedicated to help you learn more about how to evaluate – and most importantly – ENJOY the wine you drink.
This not only helps when you inevitably hold a tasting party and talking wine with your friends, but if you have ANY interest in wine at all – it’s very interesting!
Product education is important in any company, and the wine business is no different!
Join Direct Cellars
Now is the time. By the end of the first quarter of 2017, Direct Cellars will be on the tips of many of your friends’ tongues.
Will YOU be the one who put it there?
If you’re ready, click here to join us. With our fast growing, leading Direct Cellars team, you will receive full support in building your business and creating multiplication in your business! I am available to answer any questions you may have; so, please feel free to contact me!
To Your Success! Cheers!
Kristine Kilgour, M.Ed., LPC,, 970-775-2441
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