Why Educators Make Great Network Marketers!

Would educators make great network marketers?  
Have you ever thought about the connection between teachers (and other education professionals) and network marketing?

Aren’t we all teachers and educators?
Even if you aren’t actually a certified educator, we all teach.
We teach our children to talk, walk, socially acceptable behaviors, and so much more.
We teach our teams through training on everything from getting started to duplication and retention to marketing.
We all teach something to nearly every life we touch!
Network Marketers Are Educators!
As Network Marketers, we apply the concepts necessary to learn, do, teach, and repeat. 
We are mentors who share our wisdom with others who are interested in making money in the direct sales industry.  We have a commitment within ourselves to succeed.
Network Marketers have a skill of shifting our mindsets from negative to positive; and, a growth mindset is imperative for school, career, and life success! Successful network marketers have two things in common:  A Growth Mindset and the ability to train their teams for duplication...well, I like to train my teams for multiplication! 
Change Your Mindset
Network Marketers build and nurture good relationships because we understand that this is completely a relationship business; and, that is no different than business of educating others.
We attend events, meet new people, and build relationships. We never miss an opportunity to meet a new group of people.
As network marketers, we are constantly working on our own growth and training. This, again, is something that educators do.
Network Marketers strive toward freedom.
Time Freedom – ability to work when we want and our business continues to make us money whether we are there or not.
Money Freedom - the freedom to purchase what we want without looking at a price tag.
Location Freedom – the freedom to work from wherever we want, and with whomever we want.
Teachers may want the same things, but settle for working at a job.  Hopefully, it’s one they enjoy; but, because so many constraints are placed on public educators, many times it’s not. 
Having been a school counselor in the public education system in three different states for nearly 20 years, I am keenly aware of the constraints placed on educators that prevent them from truly living their passion for education and reaching their financial goals.
Image by Randy Glasbergen
Image by Randy Glasbergen
Do you think teachers would make great Network Marketers?
You bet they would!
Do you think Network Marketers would make great teachers?
We already are!
With as many as 62% of teachers working second jobs, many are successfully turning to network marketing to supplement, replace, and surpass their current salaries!

Click here if you would like to know more about becoming a Network Marketer and finding out about the system we are using to create educators retiring from their jobs in education to teach others while working for themselves!
To Your Success,
Kristine M. Kilgour, M.Ed., LPCC, LPSC                                                                                   School Counselor, Mediator, SEL Consultant, Team Building Consultant                                 970-775-2441 or 512-945-6454                                                                                                 selcounselor@gmail.com or winecellars4all@gmail.com                                             


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